Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ski day

The fellow on the lift from Seattle was surprised that January 15 was the first day this winter that we'd been skiing. Us Utah people should be up more often than that, surely. But alas, life and colds and work and weather limits even those of us who live within an hour of seven or eight resorts. These shots are from our first outing.

It was a day that looked gray at the start, but that in fact had a mix of sunshine as the clouds danced in and out and about the mountains.

The trees at the base were green, those further up had dobs of snow, those at the top were encrusted with frost. I tried not to stop too much for photos, but here's a feel for the atmosphere.

Anyone who can guess the resort from these photos wins ... my respect.


Jocelyn said...

We guess... Brighton!

Louise said...

Close. Head south one canyon and try again! Or were you just trying to throw everyone off?!