Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A tree and a lesson

At first it looked like the tree had managed to grow from a crevice in the rock. We'd seen it happen in other formidable spots in Southern Utah, and it always brought a comment or two on the amazing resilience, the fortitude, that would allow a little seed to become a big tree on so little water and so little space.

But then we saw that it wasn't growing from a crevice, it was growing from sand way, way, down at the bottom of a deep, deep divide in Bryce Canyon. It somehow found enough water and managed enough nutrients from the sand and grew until it reached the sunlight too.

You can learn a lot from a tree.


GRAMMA said...

Louise~ These photographs are absolutely breathtaking! The color and composition... wow.

You are amazing!

GRAMMA said...

Since you probably won't recognize my icon... it's me... Charlene... that's baby Ellie and Steph.

Louise said...

How fun to hear from you! Thanks for checking in (and for identifying yourself! Cute baby (and momma)!