Monday, March 24, 2008

You know what this means!

The woodpeckers are tapping on the side of my house looking for a good place to make a hole, the magpies are back and taking command of the neighborhood, a robin perches on the branches now and then to check out the surroundings we share, the snow remains only on the north side of the house where it successfully hides from the sun even now, the temperature is 62 degrees.
And the crocus are out.
We made it!


Gramma Cyddie said...

oooooo! that is SO pretty!

shey art said...

Love the crocus picture. It has warmed my morning and reminded me that Spring IS here. We have only little indications of tulips coming up where the patches of snow are not. At the end of our driveway, there remains an eight foot pile of snow. I guess it pays to be on the brighter side of the mountain.

In our haste to enjoy Spring, we camped this weekend in the high desert and at night it got down to 20 degrees. Our water jug froze overnight. The dogs water dish froze in 20 minutes. Is Spring really here? Let me check that weather forecast...