Wednesday, February 20, 2008

51 reasons to celebrate

It's not just because my birthday's coming up that I'm feeling old. It's because I looked in the mirror -- not to see if my masquera was on properly or if the necklace worked with the outfit, but to get the overview. And it did seem I'd put on some years since the last real look.

Alas, it happens and it's not all bad and there's not a lot I can do about it.

Some might suggest I could dye my hair, but what might be fine for everyone else is, in this case, not for me. It's more of a hassle than I'm willing to put up with and once you start you can't stop and thank goodness I've lived in Oregon long enough to appreciate natural, and besides that my mom's gotten away with grey hair all these years and my husband doesn't mind it since he has grey hair too and anyway -- why do something men don't have to do?
Besides shave legs, that is.

So I think I'll just get old and not even pretend I'm not.

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