Thursday, May 10, 2007

In the yard

I've been spending a lot of time with weeds lately.

It's that time of year.

And when you spend a lot of time with weeds, you have a lot of time to think.

Maybe if I'd hung onto that iPod my husband was so good as to buy me, I wouldn't be thinking about anything but the lyrics to the songs sung by Bonnie Raitt and Don Henley and other favorites as I dig my weeds.

But because I was so good as to pass along the iPod to someone who liked to think about lyrics (though not those by BR and DH and others), I just plain old think about weeds when I'm spending time with weeds.

About why they're weeds even though some of them are kinda pretty (see photo). About why they have such deep roots that no matter how deep you go you leave a little bit behind. About why they grow so fast and with such abandon when the flowers next to them need such nurturing. About why if you don't dig one up the first week there are dozens the next week.

I bet Benjamin Franklin had a saying about weeds. A dandelion in time saves nine? The early gardener catches.... sorry, not a game I can capably play.

Weeds are kinda like life.

I'll let you figure out how.

And then tell me.


jackie said...

yay mom blog! looks great. i put some more interesting music on the pod that could spice up your weeding if you want it back... love you!

Louise said...

Then when would I think about weeds? XOX -- MOM

stace said...

wow, I'm so glad you started a blog, great! There are some great writer blogs and LDS blogs and women blogs and pretty much everything, if you're interested I'll send you some links. I really don't understand why you're having trouble commenting- you just did it here!?

Louise said...

OK -- I guess I'll have to be the philosophizer.

In a perfectly coiffed garden, a small weed can be a distraction but if removed quickly, it's growth and spread limited, it is forgotten and the garden enjoyed.

In a perfectly experienced life, small troubles can cause blemishes, but if dealt with, put in perspective and removed from consciousness, life continues rich and full.

Get those weeds out and celebrate the greenery and the water falls and the blossoms of life!