Why does she stand there?
The woman who just found out with the rest of the world that her husband used call girls -- women he didn't even know well enough to like well enough to rationalize a decision to be unfaithful -- women he just pre-meditatively arranged for and used. Why does she stand there while he confesses and resigns?
Is the humiliation not yet great enough? Is the anger already passed? Is his need for support greater than her need for privacy?
Somehow it doesn't even appear as strength. It appears more like one more woman being used.
We were surprised when Hillary did it. And then we turned on her.
Is standing by an unfaithful husband in those first raw moments saying you knew it all along or didn't mind it so much? Or is it saying you are more forgiving and accepting than the rest of us would be.
My guess is Hillary's road would have been easier if she had left the man then and there. She would have been the victim, the martyr. She would have had sympathy and support and left behind the baggage he brings to the relationship even to this day.
Sure, relationships can be healed as time goes on and trust is rebuilt.
But in those first, fresh, painful moments, nobody would mind if the grieving woman stayed in her room with the blinds drawn and the phones unplugged.
In fact we might prefer it.
It's the least he deserves.